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Winter carnival is scheduled for February 15, 2002. The science team will be there with the giant thermometer again. We should also have some frozen things to make a great ice sculpture. In the winter of 1999-2000, we had great weather for our winter carnival. The previous year it rained and we ended up in the gym looking at pictures of the planets hanging on the walls through telescopes. This year the temperature was below freezing so we had prepared some frozen ice balls by filling ballons with water and leaving them outside. Then by peeling off the ballon we had material to build ice structures. We also filled plastic pizza pans with water and froze those for more material. And of course we had the Grant Giant Thermometer (picture wincar02 and wincarn0). The idea here was to warm it up with your hands and see how high you could get it. Then, you'd cool it down with snow so that the next group would have a tougher time beating your record. By the end of the day, the little hands were so cold that the final group could barely move the thermometer level. |
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Last updated by: Pierre Kerr pkerr AT on Sept 6, 2000