Organizing Committee
larry stonebridge
ruth stewart-verger
cherie orr-stanley
john lloyd
pierre kerr
Primary Kindergarten
9:50- 10:20 KINDERGARTEN: Drumming with LEO BROOKS (OUTSIDE)
In the Kindergarten room in the annex if weather does not cooperate
2: 25- 3:15 KINDERGARTEN: Drumming with LEO BROOKS (OUTSIDE)
In the Kindergarten room in annex if weather does not cooperate
1:10- 2:00 PRIMARY: Drumming with LEO BROOKS (OUTSIDE)
In the Kindergarten room in annex if weather does not cooperate
2:05- 2:20 RECESS ****TIME CHANGED****
2:25- 3:25 Concert with CHUCK ROBERTS (OUTSIDE)
10:45- 11:45 JUNIOR: Drumming with LEO BROOKS (OUTSIDE)
In the Kindergarten room in annex if weather does not cooperate
2:05- 2:20 RECESS TIME ****CHANGED****
2:25- 3:25 Concert with CHUCK ROBERTS (OUTSIDE)
Grant Music
Festival 2004
Schedule Tuesday June 8
Schedule Wed. June 9
Pinecrest School Band
1:15 - 1:55 - Performance 1
2:00 - 2:40 - Performance 2